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Scroll down and download what you need. You can use the files as per fair use terms but to put it simple, you can download only for your own (or educational) use, NOT for commercial gain, and no, you cannot redistribute in any shape or form.

Risk assessment form
Movie and short film budget (xcel)
Aspect ratio comparison
Lens angles to focal length chart
HMI safe flicker free speed chart
Final Cut Pro7 user manual
Filmstocks comparison
Film running time chart (35mm)
Film feet per sec and per minute (16+35mm)
Film 35mm perforations illustration (4+3+2 perf)
Technocrane specs
Diving and Underwater Filming
Anchor weight guide
Underwater filming factsheet
Underwater manual pages
DPV comparison chart
Dive tables NAUI
Dive tables
Dive tables ALTITUDE
Dive boats types
Bolex Underwater Housing Manual
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